Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is for the tower of All Saints' Church to become a ringer training and development hub, playing an role in the teaching of bell handling and support the continuous development of ringers to ensure that bells continue to ring out across Swanton Morley for future generations.

Of equal importance as ensuring that there is a new generation of ringers to carry on the ancient art, we want the bells of All Saints to form part of the soundtrack to life in Swanton Morley by ringing bells to mark life events of those in the village as well as national and international event by joining with times of celebrations as well as provide moments for quiet reflection and commemoration.

Our Mission

Our mission can be summarised in 3 words:

to secure ringing's future at All Saints as well as support the on-going development of ringers
events and people of significance to the local, national and international community
life's milestons as well as the lives and events of significance to the local, national and international community

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Ringing Calendar

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